Unfortunately, there is currently a small technical adjustment to our voucher system. Don't worry, you can still easily order a voucher by e-mail using the button below. We will make sure that everything works as usual again as soon as possible.
Thank you for your understanding - we look forward to offering you a smooth experience again soon!
A gift voucher for our restaurant in Vienna's First District is always a tasteful choice.
Order your online voucher for Cantinetta Antinori now and give the gift of unforgettable moments in an exquisite ambience, accompanied by exquisite wines and culinary highlights from Italy's top cuisine.
In the summer months, we look forward to welcoming you to our charming garden with a view of the Vienna Stephansdom.
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Monday - Sunday 11:30 - 23:30
(warm kitchen until 22:00)
Phone: +43 1 533 77 22
Email: office@cantinetta-antinori.at
Cantinetta Antinori Gastronomie GmbH
Jasomirgottstrasse 3-5
1010 Vienna
2024 © Cantinetta Antinori Gastronomie GmbH